Thursday, January 11, 2007

b5 Gets Second Partner: Glam Media

First b5 Media teamed up with Feedburner and this time they have pacted with Glam Media. The move joins the women's network, Glam, with one of the largest blogging networks in b5. Though a small partnership between the two has been going on for some time this is much larger in scale. Here is some info from the b5 announcement:

New media publishers like the b5media contribute to Glam’s interactive channels
and features, offering brand advertisers a targeted way to reach the engaged and
passionate audience of the blogs in their network. Glam Media reaches more than
8.6 million global unique visitors a month, and is a top 10 women’s property,
according to comScore Media Metrix.

So this pretty much lauches b5 way out there especially in terms of impact as this should provide a nice partnership. As 901am pointed out there has been some confusion over just what this involves. Well they got to the bottom of it by interviewing CEO Jeremy Wright who clarified the situation:

They sell our ads and get to resyndicate our content on their network, and we
get better ad sales than we can currently do while providing some promotional
space for their network in return. It’s a real win-win and basically a
no-brainer all around. Just over 25 of our blogs now make more money than they
did last week and their content gets pushed to a wider audience at the same

Looks like everyone made out pretty good on this deal...

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