Tuesday, January 16, 2007

FeedBurner Pushes Forward; Expands Metrics Project

If you recall a few weeks back FeedBurner announced they were releasing a metrics package to their users. They have since provided more detail on the program. The move to go after the metrics market was hailed by most as a step in the right direction and a nice alternative to other metrics packages (namely Google Analytics). Where do I stand, well I burn my feed through FeedBurner but use Analytics for my stat tracking...for now. In the next week or so I am planning on switching to the new FeedBurner metrics program StandardStats.

FeedBurners new metrics program evolved out of their purchase of BlogBeat. The integration of feed and site stats as well as actual feed material into one account streamlines the process signifigantly. I am all for effective time management and having all of this accessible from one screen is jusrt fantastic.

So just what does StandardStats have to offer:

  • Visitor summary, detail and trends
  • Page summary, detail and trends
  • Referral and Search trends
  • Inbound referral traffic breakdown, grouped by domain and broken out in detail
  • Outbound click breakdown
  • Visitor city cloud and live geographic visitor detail
  • Percentage inbound traffic from search and the queries that drove the traffic
  • Percentage of visitors that are new to your site today
  • Browser and OS breakdown, with trend indicators
  • Detailed historical traffic by page and by date

Its quite the powerful metrics package that I just can't wait to get my hands on.

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