Monday, November 13, 2006

The Newest Plan

I have finally found a solution to the dilemna I have been facing of late. The dilemna of launching a major project on a new and unfamiliar is a bit daunting and hard to handle in the month and a half I had remaining before the launch date. I was reluctent to push the lauch date back because I was so excited about the lauch but I have decided that this is the best idea for the project. The new, tentative lauch will be on June1, 2007. This time frame is key for multiple reasons.

First, I am going to move some of my blogs to their own domains, hosting, and run them on Wordpress. Doing this will give me some hands on experience with the program I have yet to use extensively and should give me enough time to learn the ins and outs of most of the program. Secondly, this will allow me to build up a base audience to work with and who can help me spread the news when the time is right in June. Pushing the date back will also allow me to write press releases, articles, and find advertisers and fellow bloggers to promote the new launch. Finally, having aditional time will provide me with enough time to raise finances and prepare for the launch.

The advantages to postponing far outweigh the negatives and this is by far the best solution I have found so far. I am going to begin the process of creating my first fully functional Wordpress blog this week with a potential launch of sometime after Thanksgiving. On an end note, here is a fitting quote from Thomas Jefferson: "Delay is preferable to error."

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