Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Importance of Pinging

Pinging is a process which lets other web sites know that your blog or website has been updated. This action often leads to an increased amount of traffic as your blog is listed on various recently updated lists. You can manually ping individual web sites or use a one click process to ping many different sites. Such sites include www.pingoat.com and www.pingomatic.com. By entering your sites information on either of these sites you can instantly ping many different blog directories.

You only need to ping when you add a new post or edit your site. The ping should result in a large influx of traffic. Personally I over doubled my hits just by pinging on the two previously listed sites whenever I update my blog. To ping, just go to the above web address and follow the directions. You will generally have to enter the title of your site, the sites URL, the URL of your feed, and select the sites you want to ping. My philosophy: the more the merrier. Once all of your information is entered just click ping and your work is done.

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