Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Starting with Wordpress

Since I last talked about my plans I have been quite busy with several different blogging tasks. First and foremost, I have begun to write/edit a template for both of my newest blogs. One is an actual new project while the other is for a blog I will be moving from Blogger Beta. The process is slow but steady and it will be done soon enough. Personally I have found it easiest to print out the actual code, highlight the parts that need modified, then actually look them up and edit them. This helps me keep my code a bit straighter in my head but do whatever works for you. If all goes well the one or both of the sites will be at least preliminarily done the week after the Thanksgiving holiday.

I have also been busy with more business related aspects of my blogging venture. I have been doing some paid posting for a few reasons. First, I need the money for me and my family and right now this takes precedence over everything else. Second, with my planned move to my own hosting and domains I will keep the other blogs open and just post opportunities on them to raise some funds. After I get the prelim templates done I am going to take some time to focus on laying out a detailed plan for exactly what I am going to do next as well as to write some articles for the launch of the websites. To top all of this off, I have been registering with more advertisers and paid posting companies so I can raise as much funding as possible before the proposed launch in June.

I am looking forward to restarting school next semester since I get to start taking computer classes. These should allow me to not only dedicate more of my own time to the websites but also to bid for projects to get my name out there. As I continue on this road I get more and more excited the more involved I get. Although my earnings may not reflect it, I am gaining some notoriety around the blogging world and the requests for advice have been pouring in the last few days. Helping others make my new project that much more exciting and I look forward to continuing to strive toward my goals.

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